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Sustainable development and competitiveness in global markets can only be achieved through new products and services with high added value, innovative approach to production and by using new materials and technologies.

Our research teams are involved or lead many international projects worldwide, where we participate on various research programs like FP7, HORIZON, EUREKA and Leonardo da Vinci.

Major fields of our research and investigation activities are:

  • introduction of modern concepts in management,
  • virtual reality,
  • the universality of built-in systems,
  • data mining and
  • new numerical and experimental methods.

The results of all these research projects are new or improved processes and therefore products and services for our customers.

Several projects were recognized in a wider context, for which we received grants and awards for the best research and innovations, including three gold prizes from Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije - GZS (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia):


  • Online control in discrete production (GZS, 2004).
  • Method for measurement of the resonant frequencies of the hydro unit rotor by exiting the shaft during unit operation (GZS, 2005).

  • Virtual Diagnostic Center for Hydroelectric Power Plants - VDCHE (GZS, 2014) - now COMOS.