Planed date for the start of the project: July 1, 2019
Target date for the realization of the project: June 30, 2023
Participating research organizations from the ARRS research organizations database:
LITOSTROJ POWER, družba za projektiranje, gradnjo elektrarn in izdelavo energetske ter industrijske opreme, d.o.o. 67 %
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo 33 %
Funding of the project:
(1) ARRS, Slovenian Research Agency: 75%
Link to project presentation
Link to scientific paper
Link to presentation: Dinamični odziv zračnega mehurja ujetega v hidravličnem cevnem sistemu
Link to scientific paper: Transient Liquid Flow in Plastic Pipes
Link to scientific paper: Navier-Stokes Solutions for Accelerating Pipe Flow - A Review of Analytical Models
Link to scientific paper: Analytical and Numerical Analysis of Trapped Air Pocket Dynamic Response due to Pressure Change in Liquid-Filled Pipelines
Link to scientific paper: About Inverse Laplace Transform of a Dynamic Viscosity Function
Link to scientific paper: Water Hammer Simulation Using Simplified Convolution-Based Unsteady Friction Model
Link to scientific paper: Modeling Transient Pipe Flow in Plastic Pipes with Modified Discrete Bubble Cavitation Model
Link to scientific paper: Water Hammer Issues in Refurbishment of a High-Head Hydropower Plant Equipped with Francis Turbine
Link to scientific paper: Developments in Multiple-Valve Water-Hammer Control