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New Contract with Verbund

Ljubljana, 20. 10. 2022

New Contract with Verbund

This summer, we signed a contract with Verbund for 3 hydro power plants:

1.      Braunau-Simbach (GBR)

2.      Schärding-Neuhaus (GSD)

3.      Passau-Ingling (GPS)

The scope of supply consists of hydraulic development, model testing and delivery of 12 Kaplan runners.

Technical characteristics:

3 x 4 vertical Kaplan Turbines




Turbine nom. output

24 MW

23,1 MW

22,2 MW

Turbine min. output

3,8 MW

3,5 MW

3,6 MW

Rated net  head

11,60 m



Max. discharge

300 m3/s

300 m3/s

300 m3/s

Min. discharge

40 m3/s

40 m3/s

40 m3/s

Rotational speed

83 min-1

83 min-1

75 min-1

Runaway speed

210 min-1

200 min-1

206 min-1

Runner diameter

6.300 mm

6.300 mm

6.300 mm

No. of runner blades




Runner center line

336,70 m.a.s.l.

303,60 m.a.s.l.

292,26 ma.s.l.

Annual generation per HPP

623,84 GWh

606,79 GWh

561,51 GWh

This is already 11th Contract with Verbund.

Congratulations to the team, that was involved into offer preparation and negotiations with the Client.

Dejan Lenart

Sales Director Assistant