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Litostroj Power hosted training course for Kenyan electricity producer

Ljubljana, 8. 7. 2019

In relation with ongoing refurbishment project in Kenya (HPP Kamburu) which was signed between Kenyan electricity producer KenGen and Consortium of Litostroj Power and Končar KET from Croatia in 2015, 12 KenGen personnel attended 4-week training course in consortium headquarters in Ljubljana and Zagreb.

Kamburu hydro power plant was commissioned in 1975, all turbine equipment was originally produced and designed by Litostroj. Currently Litostroj Power is in frame of refurbishment project making extensive overhaul and modernization of all three generating Francis units, 31.4 MW each.

Main goal of the 4-week training course was to educate longtime users of Litostroj Power’s equipment about designing and manufacturing of turbine equipment and to give them some useful tips for maintenance.

This training course is a proof of the good cooperation between Litostroj Power and KenGen.

We are congratulating all the training participants for successful finishing of Litostroj Power “Hydro school”.