Before the end of the year 2017, Litostroj Power’s engineers put into operation 4 Saxo-type units, two of them on Yellow Falls in Ontario and two of them on 11 Chute in Quebec, both in Canada. Each unit has an output of 9,5 MW with a runner diameter more than 3 m.
The newly installed units represent another reference for Saxo type turbines, as they have become a recognized product of Litostroj Power in Canada. The design and manufacturing assure a fast and modular installation of the equipment. Till today, this represents the largest Saxo type runners installed by Litostroj Power.
Saxo-type turbine is the most known Litostroj Power solution in the Vertical tubular unit arrangement. Throughout our history we have supplied more than 40 units of such type, they are suitable for new projects as well as old unit replacements. The most Saxo-type turbines are installed in Canada and USA markets.
See the video how we put into operation HPP 11th Chute